How Spirulina can Contribute to a Sustainable Future 🍃

How Spirulina can Contribute to a Sustainable Future 🍃

Spirulina and Sustainability

In today's world, sustainability is more than just a buzzword; it's a necessity. As we search for solutions to combat climate change and promote a healthier planet, spirulina emerges as a beacon of hope. But how does this blue-green algae contribute to a sustainable future? Let's dive in.

Photosynthesis is the key

Like plants, spirulina undergoes photosynthesis, a process where it absorbs CO2 from the environment and converts it into oxygen. This not only helps in purifying the air but also actively reduces the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. The efficiency with which spirulina performs this task is remarkable, making it a potent tool in our fight against climate change.

Carbon Sequestration and Spirulina

Algae, including spirulina, play a crucial role in carbon sequestration. They absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, helping to reduce the overall carbon footprint. By supporting and investing in spirulina farming, we can actively combat rising CO2 levels. Plus, with products ranging from spirulina tablets to spirulina drinks, there's no shortage of ways to incorporate this algae into our daily lives.

Spirulina a Renewable Protein Source?

One of the most significant challenges we face is finding sustainable protein sources. With the global population on the rise, the demand for protein is skyrocketing. Enter spirulina protein. Not only is it a rich source of protein, but it also requires less land, water, and resources than traditional livestock. Whether you opt for spirulina tablets or a spirulina drink, you're choosing a protein source that's kind to our planet.

Phycocyanin is a pigment protein that gives spirulina it's blue hue, spirulina also contains other antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin E. These antioxidants further boost the antioxidant potential or the ORAC value of spirulina, making it an excellent choice for those looking to increase their antioxidant intake.

Water Conservation and Spirulina

Water scarcity is a growing concern. Thankfully, spirulina production requires significantly less water than traditional crops. By choosing to consume products like spirulina capsules or blue spirulina drinks, we're indirectly supporting farming practices that are water-efficient.


How are we pioneering a sustainable future with Spirulina?

At FUL Foods, our mission is to reimagine the future of food with one of the most resource efficient and nutrient dense substances on planet earth, Spirulina. Our first product using our FUL BLU ingredient, FULwater, is a sparkling spirulina water that unlocks the nutritional benefits of our Spirulina, but supports the renewal of our planet.


Behind the Bubbles: The Making of FUL Foods Beverages

Through our proprietary biorefinery process, we've developed a highly sustainable way to extract the ingredients from Spirulina by using CO2 as the main input, rather than it being an output. Additionally, we use no arable land, pesticides or fertilizers when growing our Spirulina and we recycle 85% of water used.

Educating the Masses


Beyond our products, we're committed to raising awareness around the opportunity with Spirulina and its potential to revolutionize sustainable nutrition. We want our platform to serve as a hub for knowledge, inspiring consumers to make eco-conscious decisions.

Join us in our mission to detox both our bodies and the planet. With FULwater, you're not just enjoying a refreshing drink; you're advocating a sustainable future.


Spirulina isn't just a health supplement; it's a step towards a sustainable future. With its role in carbon sequestration, spirulina is proving to be an invaluable asset in our mission to help renew the planet.

For those wondering, "where can I buy spirulina near me?" or specifically seeking organic spirulina, brands like FULwater have made it easier than ever. They offer a range of beverage flavours including, Pink Grapefruit & Cucumber, Lemon & Ginger, White Peach and even a Variety Pack so you can try them all! 


Who sells spirulina?

Spirulina is widely available from various retailers. Brands like FULwater are known for their high quality spirulina beverages. You can find FULwater at Bristol Farms, Erewhon or just order from our website here!

What is spirulina good for?

Spirulina, especially organic spirulina, is a powerhouse of nutrients including proteins, spirulina vitamins, and essential fatty acids. It's a top spirulina supplement that boosts the immune system, aids in detoxification, and promotes hair growth. With its high spirulina protein content, it's also a favorite among those seeking a natural protein powder with spirulina.

Which spirulina is best: blue or green?

Both blue spirulina and green spirulina offer immense health benefits. While green algae spirulina is a traditional favorite, blue spirulina stands out due to its phycocyanin content, which not only gives it its vibrant hue but also packs it with antioxidants.

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